Hello everyone,

I followed this tread with great interest. Just like Hugo and his wife, we
eat only fruit in the morning (until noon) and feel very well by it. I've
learned that it is better to leave some time between the meals, so your
stomach can rest also. Notice that feeling hungry isn't hunger al the time,
it is more a sign that your body is ready with the digestion of your meal.
Sometimes it is a sign that your body needs some fluid, although we
misinterpret this feeling by eating. Just try it, if you feel hungry between
meals, drink something. When your not eating between meals, you will
experience that the hungry feeling will disappear after a few days. Be sure
that you eat enough fruit in the morning.

We (my husband, me and two of our children (3y and 1.5y, the youngest is
only 10 weeks)) are 60-80% raw food eaters. In the morning we eat only
fruit, in the evening we eat fruit with sometimes nuts or dried fruits. At
noon we eat raw vegetables or some cooked food (low-fat vegan). We feel very
well with this diet. My gravings for processed food is almost gone, even my
desire for pizza!

Wishing you good health!

Elly Gittens

P.S. Sorry for my English.