>Submitted to veg-raw by: [log in to unmask]
>Hello Stuart,
>I am confused. What would be the symptoms of this blood sugar spike? We
>experience nothing but a feeling of well being and an energy level that
>is just that - level. So I don't think we are experiencing any problems.

If you feel fine, and don't notice an up immediately following consumption,
and a down maybe 15 min later, then perhaps you handle it better.

>I do feel that I should point out that juice from concentrates is
>pasteurized so everything in the juice that might have been good for the
>body has been killed. I appreciate your suggestion and I really
>appreciate having a place to discuss these things.

Likewise.  My logic is that even fresh squeezed juice can no longer be
considered a whole food - you've just "processed" it.  Following on that, I
learned that fruit sugar in fruit is absorbed more slowly than other sugars
because of the high fiber content.  Drinking juice would seem to negate this
effect.  I have also heard, but can't provide a reference, that fruit sugar
in fruit is "in" the cells of the fruit and thus is absorbed much more
slowly than when it has been ripped and shredded in a juicer.  Finally, my
dentist explained to me that fruit and some vegetable juices are just as bad
for the teeth as whtie sugar, as a result of the blood sugar changes they
induce.  I stopped drinking juice for a few months and my teeth stopped
hurting and my energy level evened right out.  I've started having a juice
now and again lately, but I don't want to make it a habit.  I find now that
they leave me feeling jittery and anxious, followed by tired or lethargic.

But as always, to each his own - if you don't have a problem, then don't
worry about it.  I would encourage you to try going for a time, maybe a week
or two without juice and see if you notice any differences.
