VE>By hypoglycemic I mean just a feeling of overwhelming fatigue after an all
VE>fruit breakfast. I usually don't have this feeling under other circumstances
VE>and all my blood sugar tests throughout the years have been fine.  Does
VE>Cheryl have to use insulin or has the diet (and presumably exercise) been
VE>able to control her diabetes alone?  I have a dear friend, also an adult
VE>onset person, who has been able to reduce his insulin use to very low amount
VE>with a natural hygiene diet.  He is hopeful one day to be able to quit it

Hi Sandy,

Thank you for the explanation. Our energy level is always fine at least
until noon even if we eat nothing. If we eat nothing in the morning, we
are usually very hungry by noon. I have been feeling somewhat short of
energy in general the last few days, but I would attribute that to some
sort of cleansing reaction. At the start of this general "blah" feeling,
I had about 2 hours worth of just feeling terrible - I developed a
fever, was dizzy, and there was alot of activity in my colon. In my zeal
to clean out my body, I have been drinking quite a large amount of
carrot-beet-cucumber juice and getting daily colonics. I have also
discovered celery juice and I understand that celery juice has a very
strong cleansing action. I'm very willing to put up with temporary
reactions, I love the taste of the juices and I have always loved fruit.
Since my palate has cleared, I have really enjoyed eating and drinking.
I now feel sorry for folks who are addicted to processed food who
actually think I am depriving myself. quite a bit of irony there.

Cheryl does not need insulin to control her diabetes. The doctor was
giving her some sort of drug to control it, but the prescription ran out
and we have not bothered to renew it. We do check blood sugar at times
and she just watches how she feels. Since she is has a few extra pounds
on her, we have limited ourselves to early morning walks, getting both a
gentle exercise and some fresh air.

I noticed that you had alot of info on groups in the LA area. Would you
have any info on groups in the Portland Oregon area. I could use some
moral support.
