Dear veg-raw subscribers

I am considering some changes to the way veg-raw is administered.

Basically the plan is that all messages would be forwarded without prior
screening.  Moderation would take place after a message was posted instead
of before.  If a message did not meet some general posting requirements
for behavior and content a warning message concerning the post would be
sent.  If the subscriber persisted in sending improper messages a
further warning would be sent as private email and at some point,
probably the third such message, the
subscriber would be temporarily suspended from the list.

I personally believe that this new format would be an improvement over
the current one. It would allow the forwarding of messages to be done
automatically and in a timely fashion.  It will make it possible to split the different
jobs required to maintain the list between different people.  Moderation
will take place in public and everyone will have a clearer understanding
of what is going on.

If anyone has thoughts or concerns about the proposed new format please
email me privately.  I may not have time to respond to every message
individually but will take all messages into account.

Thank you.
