Hello Tiina,

> Sent to veg-raw by Tiina Makela, <[log in to unmask]>
> I come from the North-Eastern Finland, near the Russian border (66N 29E, near
> the Arctic Circle).

Thanks for giving your exact coordinates, my nuclear rockets were pointing
exactly there, but since you are there, I will have to reprogram the
coordinates. :-)

I must admit I don't know the coordinates of Montreal, where I live. The
"longitude west" should be close to that of New-York and since Montreal is
about 400 miles north of NY, it should be about 6 degrees N more. One degree
corresponds to about 70 miles (112.4 km).

So, Tiina, you live about 112 km south of the Arctic Circle since it is at 67N
(earth inclination is 23 degrees).

> I guess I`m the northernmost member of the list, right?

I'm quite sure you are.

> I`ve been interested in living/raw foods since 15 (being now 32). I`m
> interested on the whole in health and fitness, and a healthy diet is one part
> of it.

The fact that you are living in a very northern place has something very
interesting because people usually believe that those who live in cold places
like you do should eat a lot, and a lot of fatty foods, proteins, meat, etc...
I think you understand what I mean. For the benefit of all, could you tell us
(as well as you can) what you eat and approximately how much. How many meals do
you eat a day? Most subscribers are living in "much" warmer climates than you
and still believe they have to eat a lot to have enough energy to keep one's
body warm. What is your viewpoint on all this?

> I don`t know whether to cry or laugh today: I planted my tomato seedlings
> outside this week and today it is snowing! Only +1 degree Celsius and it is
> the middle of June!

Poeple in northern areas of Quebec use to say: "Here, there are only two
seasons: winter and July 15" (meaning that summer is very short). BTW, Tiina,
June 21 (or close to it) is the longest day of year in northern hemisphere. Do
you know approximately how many hours of daylight you have these days? Here in
Montreal, it's at least 16 hours (close to 16:30). Try beeets, I was told they
can grow in 45 days (?).

> Yeah, I must be a *little* *bit* crazy with my rawfoods enthusiasm this far
> North. ;)

It's not you who is crasy, but weather. Last Sunday, temperature went up to 30C
here, and last night, it goes down to 10C. Who can guess madnesses of nature.

> Anyways, there will start a living food trainer (and a therapist) schooling
> in the beginning of 1997 in Finland and I hope I will be accepted there as a
> student. :)

I hope so for you. This is the kind of things that seem hard to start in north
america. We are so surrounded by the powerful food industry and medical
establishment who still believe their fallacies.

Thanks Tiina.
