Shanna has asked me to go ahead and post the following message to the
list.  She is looking for sources of information on raw milk in the diet.

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 12:04:18 -0400
From: [log in to unmask] (Shanna)
Subject: Raw Milk


I am trying to find find information on the controversy of raw milk and what
the health department has been trying to do to get raw milk taken off the
shelves.  I am writing an argumentative term paper and have chosen this as my
topic.  Do you know of any resources where I can get both sides of the issue?
 A lot of people believe that raw milk is dangerous because of the
possibility of salmonella poisoning, etc., but I've been drinking it all my
life and never had a problem.  Just to let you know, a friend of mine found
your page on the internet and showed it to me.  My great-grandmother is in
her mid-eighties and has been eating nothing but raw foods since she was 18
yrs old, so this is not something new to my family.  It has been passed down
through the generations since then.  The research done by my great
grandparents from reading medical journals showed them that the body doesn't
metabolize cooked foods as easily or as completely as raw foods.  I am
looking for evidence to back this up for my paper as well as any other
arguments, medical or otherwise, in support of raw foods.  Please let me know
of any sources you can think of, on or off the net.  Thanks in advance for
your help!

Lindy [log in to unmask]