On Fri, 3 May 1996, Michael Clingman wrote:

> I am unsubscribing Laurie Forti from the mailing list.  Laurie has been
> sending in a large volume of posts, a number of which, in my opinion,
> display an intolerance for alternative viewpoints.  I simply do not have
> the time to go through and decide which are acceptable and which are not.

That's too bad. I think Laurie has been unsubscribed unvoluntarily from
two other lists (Veggie and Veg-Sci) and volutarily from one other
(Vegan-L). This was the only remaining forum for his views that I knew of and
he has a lot of interesting information to contribute. I appreciate your
going through his submissions and selecting what was positive enough to post.
I wish circumstances would allow you to continue to do so, but if it's a
such a strain that continuing to do so could jeopardize the very existance
of veg-raw then I support you in your decision, albeit sadly, as I consider
Laurie to be a friend and a person deserving of a place amongst fellow
raw-food advocates. I only hope that he doesn't feel too isolated now
because of this decision of yours in the context of all the other
unsubscribings that have occurred.

> For this mailing list to work, subscribers need to take personal
> responsibility for what they are posting.

> If anyone wishes to continue discussion woth Laurie they can email him
> directly at [log in to unmask] or participate in the
> vegan-l mailing list.  I believe that Laurie is one of the moderators of
> the vegan-l list.

I doubt that very much. He voluntarily unsubscribed from that list with
no mention of him being one of the moderators in his goodbye note, and I
don't recall that alleged status ever being mentioned on Vegan-L ever before.

 (I do not have the address of the vegan-l list but it
> can be obtained from Laurie or from John Coleman, [log in to unmask]
> Perhaps John will post the address here.)

> Thank you.
> Michael

Sincerely yours,


Tom Salsberg, B.A. (sociology), B.Ed., A.M.I., R.B.C., M.A. (couns. psych.)
       Fundraiser for Non-Profit Groups & Healthful Living Educator
   E-MAIL: [log in to unmask]           TELEPHONE: 416-661-5035
   "When in doubt, trust only movement."  Alfred Adler, M.D. (1870-1937)