Md> Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 02:46:08 -0500 (EST)
 Md> From: Michael Clingman <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> To: undisclosed.recipients:;
 Md> Subject: veg-raw: re: too much protein (fwd) -Reply (fwd)

 Md> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Md> Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 09:43:11 -0800
 Md> From: Martha Seagoe <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> To: [log in to unmask]
 Md> Subject: veg-raw: re: too much protein (fwd) -Reply

 Md> I thought I read somewhere that the body can reuse the protein from
 Md> the dead cells to build new ones (except, of course, hair, nails and
 Md> skin cells
 Md> that are sloughed).  Anybody know if this is true?

    That may have been from me??
    "It has been estimated from isotopic tracer experiments that in a
70 Kg man on an average diet about 400g of protein turns over each
day.  Up to 1/4 of this amount undergoes oxidative degradation or
conversion into glucose and is replaced daily from the exogenous
intake: the remaining 3/4 is recycled."  [Lehninger, Biochemistry,
1981, p. 559.]