Md> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Md> Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 02:24:27 -0800
 Md> From: Swedish Vegetarian Society <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> To: Michael Clingman <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> Subject: Re: veg-raw: re: too much protein (fwd)

 Md> About protein...
 Md> And this is my respond to that:
 Md> Anybody who weighs 150 pounds consists of more than 100 pounds of
 Md> wasser, (that is water in english) so the actual body weight of solid
 Md> mass is less than 50 pounds - is this correct or not? Please check:(
 Md> )-Yes ( )-No

    Goodhart and Shills in Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease give
the composition of the human body as:
    water          62.3%
    protein        16.4
    fat            15.3
    mineral         5.8, so the non-water (solid) weight of your 150
lb body would be about 57 lbs.

 Md> My calculation gives this:
 Md> A 40 pound baby=3D13 pounds of protein
    40 lbs x 0.164 = 6.7 lbs protein.  What is 3D13??

 Md> ... and if this has to be replaced in one year
 Md> the baby must eat 0.03 pounds a day for replacement only. Add to that
 Md> the new mass it has to build - well how fast do the little people
 Md> really grow? 7 pounds a year at an average is somewhere close to the
 Md> truth. this gives a growth of 2.3 pounds of real body weight every year
 Md> the way I see it or 0.006 pounds a day. Totally this gives 0.036 pounds
 Md> a day or close to 0.04 pounds, yeehaw!  Correct( )   Incorrect( )

    Our bodies recycle about 75% of our protein internally, so only
25% needs to be replaced, thus:
    replacement of 25% of 6.7 lbs       = 1.7 lbs
           16% of 7 lbs gross growth    = 1.1

TOTAL                                     2.8 lbs / year = 0.0077lb/day,
or 3.5 grams/day.  This assumes that 100% of protein consumed is
assimilated.  The US RDA for a 40 lb child is 30 grams protein/day.
This adds extra for lack of efficient digestion, and no doubt a safety
margin consistent with our cultural beliefs about being a rich
country.  Other countries have significantly less RDA's.

 Md> 1998 or 1999 a group of 33 crazy, courageos swedes - and actually
 Md> anybody is welcome to join - are about to go to a tropical island  and
 Md> live there together for three years, eating fruits only. The one and
 Md> only criteria for joining this group is to try to live on nothing else
 Md> (except for severe crisises, that is). Please contact FUN (Fruitarian
 Md> Universal Network) for more details ...

    What is FUN's address??
    I would like to stay in touch with these fruitarian pioneers, for
it is my long-term plan to establish a global network of tropical
fruit-oriented communities; I just have to get extremely wealthy first
so I can provide the physical infrastructure.

    "Tutti fruitti, well all rootie!"  Little Richard