In article <[log in to unmask]> you write:
>I'm getting quite intrigued by the arguments for a raw vegan  diet and
>wondered if it had the added benefit of making flossing and/or brushing
>unnecessary.  It seems so unnatural doing these things and frankly I hate
>flossing.  Also I've had gum recession from too much brushing.

>Then again, some of the things raw foodists eat, such as dried fruit, CAN
>get stuck in the teeth, can't they?

It has little to do with food stuck in your teeth.  You will always have
some food particles left in your mouth after eating, no way to avoid it.
However, mother nature has been dealing with teeth and decay for millions of
years.  Healthy saliva a) provides a hostile environment for destructive
bacteria b) reacts with any exposed dentene (sp?? the part of the tooth
under the enamel) causing it to harden into new enamel.  Healthy teeth are
nourished from within and will resist bacterial decay.

I don't know about dried fruit, but I'd be wary of it given its concentrated
sweetness.  If you consider any form of sugar or other refined carbohydrate
to be "raw" then you better keep brushing and flossing.