Thanks, Michele.  It's those exciting earthquakes that keep me away.

>On Tue, 30 Jan 1996, Michele Reel wrote:
>> Places I know have at least one (and perhaps only one) raw food
>>restaurant:  Atlanta, GA (Delights of the Garden)
>> San Francisco, CA (can't remember the name)

>> S.F. has a live foods support group, mild weather, an ocean, and all
>>that  other stuff you want, plus some mighty exciting earthquakes from
>>time to time.

>> I keep running across reports that once people have been on a high
>percentage  raw diet (90% or more or something) for 2-4 years, initially
>>they getcolder  in  the cold climates, but by the 4th year they can take the
>>cold better than  most  others around them.  I remember Hovannessian in
>>his out-of-print book "Raw Eating" saying he got so that he could sleep
>>outdoors in the winter, on a  thin  blanket of snow, with nothing but one
>>anket, and felt great.  Gabriel  Cousens, M.D. who eats 90% raw for years
>>now reports also that after a few  years he can handle very cold weather
>>better than ever before.

>> We westerners were raised with the idea that you need to eat hot food in
>>the  winter to stay warm, and take hot baths, etc.  Interestingly, in India
>>the  common thought is the opposite!  They recommend cold foods in the winter
>>and  cold showers and baths in the winter, saying that it helps your body be
>> accustomed to the cold.