<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Re. rice paper and fufu.  The totally Hot Cookbook_ has a recipe for yam
fufu.  Madhur Jffrey's East Asian cookbooks have recipes for rice paper
rolls, as do Vietnamese cookbooks and, I think, _Thai Home Cooking from
Kamolmol's (sp.?) Kitchen_.  We switched over to Asian cookeing when my
son was still nursing and I was on an allrgy diet for him, and found Thai,
Vietnamese, Indonesian, an Burmese cookbooks a great help.  Seomehow it
was easier to stomach authentic Asian cooking minus peanuts than what
often tasted like ersatz Western recipes - probably bec. we don't know
enough about Asian cooking to know how ppoorly we were cooking it!
[Please excuse typos; am loggin on longdistance from a laptop which doesn't
There is a Vietnamese style of unfried spring roll, rice paper aaround
thin rice noodles and thin-sliced vegetables with a lovely light sauce,
I will post the relevant cookbook titles when I get home (unless soeone
else on the list has suggestions and posts them before we manage to get
back to NJ from MA).