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Hi All,

The subject is probably boring everybody by now, but since we're just
in the process of deciding, I thought I might share my thoughts and hear
what other people have to say.

From all the reading I've done, as well as the BREADM file, it seems people
were very happy with the welbilt (from memory:  models 100, 150, 220r.  Am I
right?) and the Zujirushi.  We couldn't find them anywhere, for a while, so
we decided to risk it and bought an Oster (with the 2 lb. extension).  We
simply took the receipe from the BREADM file, used regular cycle - and it

We didn't find the gums, and we used some special flour we've brought from
Israel with us, so it wasn't really the same receipe, but it worked
nevertheless.  Sure, there were improvments to be made, but still, it
looked OK.

However, being the anxious type that I am, I've talked my wife into returning
it and looking for one of the recommended models.  We've finally managed to
track down the absolute last welbilt they had at sears.  We've fumbled
through the manual trying to find what made this machine so special - and we
couldn't find anything.  For their gluten-free bread, they simply use their
basic cycle, and it works.  Much like we did with the Oster.  It was small
(only 1 lb loaf), and not as "smart" as the Oster, so we didn't buy it.

So now I'm confused.  Why are these machines better?  Why should I buy just
any machine?  At first I thought it was the programmability, but the Welbilt
has none.

BTW, if anyone knows of machines that will work in Europe (220 volts), please
let me know.  Even though I'm going to buy a 110V machine now, I'll probably
want to drag it back later....

Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

Gal Kaminka
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