<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
On Sun, 12 Nov 1995, Karyn S. Friedman wrote:
> There probably is a connection, as those of us with autistic children note
> severe sensitivities both to casein and gluten (milk protein, wheat protein).
>  I often find myself wondering if Autism is not a form of Celiac.
I was curious about autism myself, so I spent a little time reading, both
the Cel-Aut packages available from this list, and some time on the
autism list.  (My daughter has a developmental delay).  What I found out
was quite enlightening!
There are many factors in autism, one of them is a form of wheat and milk
intolerance.  There may be a secondary problem with wheat and milk, in
that some of us lack sufficient amounts of an enzyme needed to break a
protein down to a peptide chain, and then split it further into amino
acids.  These peptides get into the bloodstream, and get into the brain
causing the fogginess and vagueness we often complain about. (this access
to the brain is a result of physiological failures.)
I recommend that anyone with kids with dyslexia, ADHD or ADD read those
packages that are available to us by sending a message to the listserver
(the computer) that serves the list:
to: [log in to unmask]
and in the body of the message, command:
There have been some tips that I have picked up that have helped me cope
with the side-effects of a gluten intolerance.  I hope to discuss them
in a separate posting, if there is any interest.