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Hi Ron,
     I've been on the diet about 4 years now, and feeling good.  I'm 42 and
getting a divorce and going thru some changes. Enough of this me too stuff.
    What I really want to know is what is your field. Electrical or
electronic I hope.
    I think there might be a use for a portable bar code reader in the celiac
business. If we had a small reader that
    we could take into a store and the bar code would tell us if the product
had gluten in it or not, or MSG.  . I don't like taking the whole gluten free
list to the store and having to look thru it for each item.
      The memory would only have to be enough for the items that are gluten
free, all others would simply say no buy not being in memory.
    I started this letter to Ron but there might be someone out there who
works with bar codes or equipment. If someone likes the idea, let me know.
 Or just develope  one and tell me where to send the money.
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