<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Dana Beer <[log in to unmask]> asks:
> Are corn totillas considered acceptable?
Depends on what part of the country you are in! In the Southwest,
where corn tortillas are made from corn and calcium oxide (lime) and
water, they're generally not a problem... (Southern California,
Arizona, New Mexico and Texas). If they're imported from these areas,
that's usually okay, too. Anywhere else in the country, *READ THE
LABELS*! I got awfully sick in Philadelphia because some damned fool
made the masa for corn tortillas with about 50% wheat flour, and had
the gall to label them "corn tortillas". (And believe me, deathly ill
3,000 miles from home is no fun!)
Karen M. Davis, Davis & Associates                             818-892-8555
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this .signature under construction (the quote I want is buried on my desk!)