<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Re Mrs Carolee Hayward's question about short-term memory loss, especially
for words and names:
I have (self-diagnosed) CD - doctors diagnosed Tropical Sprue and when I
researched sprue on the internet discovered this list and also discovered a
long list of symptoms about which I had been complaining to my GP (but not
the gut specialist - who would think that they were related to the gut
problem) - bingo CD!
Anyway, one of things that I particularly noted while still undiagnosed was
that I was having lots of difficulty with words for common things, and also
names.  This came on apparently quickly and at about the same time as the
sprue.  However I wasn't suspecting a connection, and of course it took a
while to realise that I was having more than normal difficulty with the
memory thing, so I can't be sure of the timing.
Since I'm only 48 I was a bit worried about the apparent early onset of a
senile condition.
Anyway, going on a gluten free diet and taking vitamin pills has greatly
improved the memory situation dramatically over a period of several weeks.
Gordon Claridge