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On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Lynn Worden wrote:
> Maybe I am hopelessly out in left field, but I just don't understand this
> obsessive preoccupation with gluten contamination in packaged foods.  Most
> of those foods are over processed, over packaged, over advertised, and thus
> horribly over priced.  I don't consider most of them fit for human
> consumption. ...
> Just forget all that packaged stuff. Get cookbooks that teach you how to
> prepare basic foods, like meats, fish, eggs, diary(if you can tolerate it,
> legumes, potatoes and sweet potatoes, yams, squashes, nuts, seeds,
> vegetables and fruits.  There is such a world of truly good, nutritious and
> wholesome foods available.  Who needs that other stuff?  We only think we do
> because we see too many commercials!!!!!
I agree, Lynn! A sense of adventure in eating allows you to try new
things. I just used a cornbread recipe to make a brown rice and tapioca
quick bread; it was exciting to discover a new flavor. Roast beef and
roast chicken are so easy to make in the oven; the prepackaged versions
are slimy, salty, and loaded with nitrates/nitrites. A robust salad (skip
the bland lettuces) of broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, celery, and red bell
peppers (not the hot ones) is so sweet, crunchy, and flavorful it really
doesn't need a lot of dressing. If some batchelor-guy like me who's all
thumbs in the kitchen (and never follows a recipe correctly) can get
compliments from dinner guests, you can cook from scratch too!
Ron in Seattle,
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