> Submitted to veg-raw by Judy Pokras <[log in to unmask]>
> Hi all,
> Stern's dept. store has a sale on the Popeil brand electric dehydrator.
> $35   "Deluxe five-tray model # DR100."
> Does anyone know if it's a good one for a raw foods-oriented diet?
> I once looked at another brand, but didn't buy it, because its lowest
> temperature (200 degrees) was still too high. What brands would you
> recommend?  What should the temperature not go above?

I have never seen this model, but can make a few suggestions.

You will want a unit which will allow for the thermostat to be adjusted
to below 120 degrees F. A good unit will also need a fan, providing air
flow to the food in order for eveness in drying. Also, the direction of
the air flow is important. Horizontal air flow units will evenly dry out
the food, while vertical air flow units need a rotation of the trays to
assure even drying. Going to a horizontal unit has it's disadvantages,
as they are usually not expandable, like the veritical flow units.

Having said this, I do not know of a low cost horizontal flow unit.
I use an EXCALIBER with 4 trays, and it cost me about $85.00(US) a
year or so ago.

There are some sources for dehydrators listed in the veg-raw ftp
area. Directions to reach the archives are as follows:

Best wishes,