<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Writing For Suzyn Dobroski:

For those who use the low-sodium (white labeled) variety, the company
now has added wheat as a last ingredient. Susan Marston
from the lab at SAN-J International in Va., informed me this change
is due to the "new" food labelling laws. She stressed that the wheat
is used as a "processing aid" - there may be questionable traces, no
one knows for sure, thus the declaration of wheat is now noted.

Interestingly, the product always used wheat in the processing. These laws
have been on the books for over two years, I wonder if the delay in
declaration has everything to do with using up old labels???

Goos news for low sodium users; they also have a low-sodium, wheat-free
variety (silver label). I have yet to find it in the larger grocery stores
here in Rochester, N.Y. , but did find it at a local natural food center.

* David Rauck                 Phone: (716) 726-3231          *
* Eastman Kodak Co.           Fax:   (716) 726-7303          *
* 901 Elmgrove Rd.
* Rochester, NY 14653-6017    Email: [log in to unmask] *