<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have been reading on this list for several weeks and have not seen
much on dermatitis herpetiformis or steatorrhea (fatty stool) and would
appreciate anyone who has experienced these problems to comment on
there experiences. Especially on the recovery process; how long does
it take to be rid of the signs of the itchy outbreaks, mine are regularly
ongoing but much improved since going GF.  What can be expected
and time relation of improvement in the steatorrhea, which I have
experienced  for as long as I can remember and in which I am now starting
to see an improvement.  I have been as GF as I know how for the last
7-8 weeks. I assume these improvements are due to improved digestion
of fats and the lack of gluten antibody reaction in the DH improvement.
I might add that I have not been diagnosed as celiac, only a trial of
my own which has been VERY successful in my estimation.

Any one who is able to offer there experience I would appreciate an
email to my personal address in order not to bother the other list
members. [log in to unmask]

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Lauren Walton, Rocklin, California
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