<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

FYI, the listowners have requested a copy of the recipes.  When they are
available, I will post how to obtain them or I will send a copy to anyone that
sends a personal message to my ID Mike Jones ([log in to unmask]).  They will
be added to the logfile and then included in the next update to the recipe

This is a reposting of a bounced message.

I agree with Joan. While I find the information on this list interesting,
it is the recipes which make a real difference to my life, and I find
it really frustrating when sombody tells us that they have a great
recipe but doesn't share it.

A couple of months ago a survey was run about whether list members
wanted recipes included - my understanding was that the majority did
(sorry, I don't have a copy of the summary message to hand to verify
my facts).

As a good librarian I understand that there may be copyright
considerations attached to "publishing" a recipe, but sometimes, I'd
really love to have someone post their favourite from Bette Hagman -
it would probably convince me that I MUST order the book.

I LOVE eating wheat bread. I ADORE sourdough. I WORSHIP pizza. I MISS

 The promise of g.f. bread recipes which were judged alongside
"ordinary" bread and which won awards has me salivating at the

Please share!!

Best wishes from the other side of the world, Lynley

Lynley Stone
Tamaki Campus Librarian
University of Auckland
Phone 64-9-3737599 extn 5203  Fax 3737095
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