<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On 8/12, Andrea Frankel wrote:

>Please excuse me, but I have to gloat ;@)

You are to be congratulated!  You have done much to increase public
awareness and, hopefully, medical professional awareness.  I wonder how many
diagnoses occurred since the fair just because a physician noticed "gluten
free"?  There is at least one physician in Santa Barbara county who all but
refuses to diagnose Celiac because of "...imposing a lifetime diet that is
so difficult and tastes so bad."

>(You might question my sanity,a person with chronic fatigue syndrome
>signing up for a marathon multi-day baking spree in the middle of an
>August heatwave.  *I* question my sanity, but some challenges just
>beg to be met!)

Just a thought regarding your chronic fatigue syndrome.  Perhaps you are
more sensitive to gluten than you thought but your symptom is fatigue vice
other, more classic, symptoms.  Mary Alice always reacted with unexplained
fatigue when exposed to gluten long before the other symptoms set in.  She
felt that fatigue was the most common symptom of celiac disease.

Best of luck.
Joe S. Warren, Titusville, FL 32798-3002