<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Joe S. Warren said, at the end of his email yesterday,

>If you wish to participate in CD research, contact someone like Bill
>Elkus of the CDF ([log in to unmask]) or Dr. Joe Murray at Iowa
>University ([log in to unmask])

Just so there is no misunderstanding, let me be clear that I have no official
role at the Celiac Disease Foundation.  I am a regular member there, just
like I am also a member of CSA/USA, GIG, and ACS.  My only celiac role is
being a listowner and founder of this list (and the father of an eight year
old child with celiac).

However, I support Joe's idea that interested celiacs could offer to
participate in research.  For those on the East Coast, they could contact
Alessio Fasano at the University of Baltimore Celiac clinic
<[log in to unmask]>.  Those on the West Coast could contact Elaine
Monarch of the CDF, who is in touch with several MD's conducting research
(818) 990 2354.  In the midwest, there is  Joe Murray at University of Iowa
<[log in to unmask]>.  For those outside the US, your local celiac
society should be able to refer you to someone doing research nearby.

Bill Elkus
Los Angeles