> Submitted to veg-raw by "Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>

>   Wheat sprouts that have drowned and are decaying in water (rejuvelac)
>   will not grow if planted; regular wheat sprouts will grow. In a FF,
>   the base food eventually dies; the only living part is the bacteria
>   culture that is growing on the base food. The subject question can be
>   restated as: does a living bacteria culture on a dead/dying base
>   qualify as a "living food"?

> Is sprout milk yogurt different from other fermented foods?

> * yogurt (dairy yogurt) is considered "sattvic" - balancing, soothing,
>   by yoga/Ayurveda. It is the only sattvic FF, all others are tamasic.

I've been making yogurt using soya milk as the medium ( i managed to get
some soya milk based live yogurt as a first starter). Would this be
considered as "sattvic" ( balancing / soothing ) by yogic/Ayurvedic
thought ?

I use rejuvelac as a by-product of the wheat sprouting process , i
soak the wheat for a day and use the water , and then i continue
the wheat sprouting process , eating the sprouts in the next day or
two ( i find wheat grass too sweet for my liking). Assuming that
"true rejuvalac" can be made this way, how does this relate with the
point that rejuvalac is a dead food , after all the wheat goes on
to sprout.

A (simple) question. Is sprout milk just liquidised sprouts ?

Finally , an idea about a sprout milk yogurt assuming it is what i
think sprout milk is. Add a lacto bacteria culture to the sprout
milk medium.
I have not tried this, comment welcome.

Alex Tarry
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