David -

It was interesting to read your introduction and read how and why you got
interested in raw foods.  It is amazing to see how people can adjust
their diets for better health rather than always going to medicine which
is prescribes for them.  Besides tests, it seems like that is mainly what
doctor's do, they want to treat everything by pills which are not making
you better just masking the symptoms (I realize there may be exceptions
to this).

I would like to ask you about any symptoms of detoxification that you had
while you juice fasted and when you started adding more fruits and
veggies.  Did you have headaches, dizziness etc?  I had been having such
severe cleansing reactions that I haven't been eating like I should.  Any

Also, do you eat any bread or pasta or just rice as far as starches?  For
protein, do you eat nuts or mainly legumes?  Please forward me a sample
of what you eat for a typical day or two.  I think that would be of
interest to people who are trying to work towards a more raw foood diet

Thanks -
