<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Marsh's book "Coeliac Disease"  (1992), Chapter 5,  summarizes what was
known of the connection between cancer and celiac at that time. I'm trying
to understand Table 5.7 showing the increased probability for getting
cancer on "normal", "reduced gluten" and "strict gluten free" diets.

Two questions for someone familiar with such details --probably e-mail for
now to follow-up and, if appropriate, we can summarize to the list later.

                  1. Table 5.7,  based on a 1989 article in "Gut" by
                  Holmes et al, has only 15 cases of cancer.  Have
          these numbers changed or is better data available?

                  2. (3 - .46) excess cancers were found in the 108
             following the strict diet for an average of (7.5 +11)
                     years. However does this give a risk of cancer of
                1.2% per person year? The 10.7% risk per
                     person year for the "normal" diet looks  much too l
                    large in the same way.

                                Kemp Randolph
                                Long Island
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