<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

     I've recently had a curious situation somewhat resolved, and
     wondered what the collective mind of the Celiac Mailing List
     thinks of it.

     My son, Eli, will be two in July.  We figured out that he might
     be celiac about a year ago, and had the igA igG and
     anti-endomesial blood tests conducted, but they were sent to the
     wrong laboratory, with negative results on all tests.  Eli,
     however, thrived and improved on the GF diet, so we kept him GF
     for the last year.  We decided to revisit the issue again,
     challenged him with  Wheat, Oats, Barley, Millet and Rye for
     three weeks and re-did the blood tests.

     Eli tested positive on igA, igG and negative on the
     anti-endomesial test.  Our doctor (a pediatric gastroenterologist
     who's quite familiar with CD) concluded - "you've done a good job
     keeping him gluten free - we'll have to repeat this test in a

     Quite obviously there are two possibilities: 1) This is an
     allergy, and not CD, or 2) This is CD, but for some reason,
     including the age of the subject (less than 2) the
     anti-endomesial test is a false negative.

     Are there any possibilities I've overlooked?  Can anyone direct
     me to anything other than the recent discussion of blood testing
     on this mailing list which would shed some light on this

     If my wife and I were _really_ curious, we'd have another
     challenge and a biopsy, but a) we're not really wild about having
     a biopsy done on an almost 2 year old and b) we're content to run
     a GF diet for Eli for another year.

     Another kink in the scenario - Eli will have a little brother or
     sister born next month - at least this time his monther and
     father will know what to look for when we get the gassiest baby
     in Maryland (which was how Eli was described by some of our

     John Cornell
     Rockville, MD
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