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Hi!  My name is Amy.  I am currently a graduate student at the University
of Minnesota, but I will be spending my summer in Danbury, CT and would
be grateful for any recommendations in the area.

I am currently undiagnosed, but I strongly suspect that I am
gluten-intolerant.  I have been ill for five years now and have seen four
doctors who have all dismissed my symptoms.  I actually don't believe
that they ever really listened to me - I have been told I'm anorexic,
that I have ulcers, or that I have IBS, depending on the doctor.

I started doing my own research about six weeks ago and eliminated all
gluten and dairy from my diet. A week later I felt better than I had in
five years.  The past six weeks have been full of mistakes - it is
difficult to know where gluten is hidden, but I've picked up some useful
hints by reading the logs.

The logs have also convinced me that as irritated as I am with medical
doctors, I do need to find a good physician and be diagnosed.  Please let
me know if you live in the Danbury (CT) area and have a good physician.
Also, since I will be living in Minneapolis again next year,
recommendations for that area are also welcome.  Connie - do you have
recommendation for Minneapolis?

This listserve has already provided me with a wealth of information.  I
appreciate your generosity in sharing your discoveries.

Feel free to reply privately.
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