<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Does anyone out there have a good ice cream cone recipe.
A friend of mine who also has a child who is Celiac ordered them
from Ener-G Foods.  For three cones it cost her $7.95.  This seems so unfair.
 It was suggested to her that she only give her child an
occasional icecream cone -- meaning once every two or three weeks.

How do you tell a 5 year old they can only have an ice cream cone
every three weeks when the icecream truck comes nightly.  I agree that every
night isn't good, but once a week surely would be fine.

Did I mention that the $7.95 did not include shipping and handling?
Not to mention the 4-5 days delivery time.

Hope someone can help.  We're desparate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you in advance.

Pat W.