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Could others please share their experience regarding the consistency of
the flour in the bread machine when making GF bread.  Most of the recipes
that I've been using are 3 cup of flour (I've usually used just white
rice, or a combo of white and brown rice), 1 1/3 cup dried milk powder, 3
1/2 tsp. xanthan gum, yeast, sugar, salt, 2 eggs, (I think thats
everything), and 1 3/4 cups water.  I may have forgotten something, but
the primary things I want to get across is the amount of water, and
amount of dry ingredients.

What I'm trying to find out is what exactly should the consistency of the
mixture be after the bread machine goes at it for a while?  I've found
that it seems to be like mashed potatoes... not a nice round sticky ball
like regular flour, but not thin like pancake mix... maybe the closest
thing I can think of is cookie dough, but probably wetter.

With the three cups, I expect the dough to rise to the top of the bread
machine cup, but it only ends up about 4 or 5 inches high (about 2 inches
short of the top).  A similar wheat flour (3 cups) run in the same bread
machine rose about an inch over the top.. just right!.

I've tried adding more yeast (a whole dry package instead of 1 1/2 tsp),
and more sugar (3/8 to 1/2 cup instead of 1/4), but it doesn't really
seem to make a difference.  I always seem to add a little more water than
the 1 3/4 cups specified, since it seems to dry to me, especially if I
use all white rice flour.

In general, I think I may need to add more water, but I'm not sure.  I
have had times where it came out looking okay on the outside, but the
center top was either partially hollow, or mushy (uncooked).

Also, the recipe calls for margarine.  I've also tried butter, and
recently, shortening.  Does it matter which one?  Which would be best?

And finally, what is the purpose of the powdered milk?  Is it necessary?
Can I use real milk (It would probably be cheaper)?

Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated...


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