<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Since being diagnosed with celiac about one year ago, I have gone on a
gluten-free diet and have shown great improvement.  However, I am having a
problem that seems to be associated with vitamin A.  About two years ago, I
was diagnosed with glaucoma, and placed on drops that had no effect.  I had
seen several opthalmoligists, and they all seemed baffeled as to why the
drops had failed to lower the intraocular pressure, but the pressure began to
go down when the glute-free diet was insitiuted.
   Since that time, I have had repeated episodes of conjunctvitis shortly
after ingesting foods that are high in vitamin A. Does anyone have any
information that shows a paralell between celiac/ocular problems/vitamin A?
   If anyone has had any similar problems or experiences, I would be grateful
to hear from you.
