<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The following is a reply to Karen Bulmer to her responce to me.  I felt
after I wrote it that I should share it with the group because of the
questions I raise concerning undiagnosed child celiacs.

Hi Karen,
        Our stories like many adult celiacs are very similiar.  I was a
skinny child and was taken to specialists who diagnosed me as " a border
line celiac"  which we now know is impossible.  You either are or you are
        I grew out of it but had all the symptoms but no real health problems
until a year ago when I felt that I was being poisoned at times.  The attacks
became more frequent.  I remember one week when all I ate was little bit of
bread and water to try and settle my bowels.  I though I just had a flu and so
did the doctor.  Of course, I only got worse and became very dehydrated.
Finally, I stopped the bread and resumed my normal meals and improved.
Unfortunately I diagnosed myself by eliminating foods from my diet.  First
milk products, then bread because I was aware of celiac disease through
friends.  After a week on a bread free diet, not gluten free because there
were gaps in my knowledge at that time, I was feeling much better.  I was
never biopsied.
        I would never risk a gluten challenge now because even a trace
amount of gluten will give me an attack.   My doctor agrees that with my
sensitivity and history it would not be a good idea.
        We have one daughter who when she was a toddler had  diarrhea for
about 6 months.  This was diagnosed as "toddler diarrhea".  Familiar story,
right!  This was before my problems surfaced.  This daughter is five now,
very skinny but healthy, just like her father was as a child.  We are going
to get her checked now  rather than wait until later in her life and learn
she was a celiac all along, which I hope she isn't.   How many more are out
there?  It's scary!!!   All these adult celiacs and unless they were really
sick as a child, they never get diagnosed until they get sick as adults.
What potential damage have we done to ourselves?

Norman Dewar