<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

From Ethera:
> This just in:
> My brother who lives in Jerusalem just sent me this clipping from the
> Jerusalem Post (2-19-95)
> Products Containing Gluten to be Marked
> The Knesset last week passed a law requiring all food products containing
> gluten to be so marked.
>   The law is the initiative of MK Yoram Lass and is intended to help those
> with Celiac's Disease, a sensitivity to gluten.
> [...snip...]
> (end of article)
> If it can be done in a small country, why not in the U.S. and Canada?  (I
> know this is a rhetorical question)  Food for thought --- Ethera

Ahh, but it was *easy* to do in Israel - for a couple of reasons that
have to do with that country's history.

(1) Almost everyone is an immigrant, and a "non-native" speaker, making
reading those teeny-tiny labels more difficult.

(2) The Jewish rules about "pikuach nefesh" - loosely translated - saving
of a soul.

Someone probably presented CD to MK Lass as a deadly disease (which it
is) that can be easily controlled if people are careful about their
diets.  This labeling law is probably being done to simplify the life of
celiacs in Israel, while making sure their food is safe... Costs the
government nothing, the manufacturers very little (unless they lie, and
get fined/sued), and makes life easier for celiacs and "black hat" Jews
(who eschew almost all grain-derived items during Passover).


[log in to unmask]   (if urgent, use [log in to unmask] - the better half)
Karen Davis of Davis and Associates (818)892-8555
           "Pain is Mother Nature's way of telling us to slow down;
                       Death is her way of INSISTING!"