<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Fri, 31 Mar 1995, Karen Bulmer wrote:

> You know how the eye doctor says is this "better or worse".  Well my gastro
> said that I would feel much better after following the GF diet, I would have
> more energy, blah, blah, blah.  Well here it is almost 1 year later and I
> have never felt worse in my life.  I am tired for no reason, somewhat
> depressed, ie. have had days where I feel like crying for no reason (can't
> pinpoint a reason). Are these typical celiac kind of symptoms?  Irregular
> bowels, have eaten buckets of fruit, vegies, popcorn to try to get things
> running again, but never as smoothly as prior to GF diet.  Overall I feel
> "crappy".  Right now my GP is running iron, folic acid, thyroid tests on me
> to see if there is anything else wrong.
> Does anyone else have this problem or do all you other celiacs feel
> wonderful since following the diet.

I had a similar problem for the first while.  I had to cut out corn,
chocolate, peanuts on top of the GF diet.  This was only temporarly as my
whole body was quite run down and those three items were hard on my
system and it wasn't till everything was back on track that I
incorporated them back in.

now I feel great.  Only, if I were to have a large bowl of popcorn I
would feel a bit sick in the morning, but a small bowl would be okay.

Don't know if this helps.  I can only go by what happened with me.
Oh, I also went on plant enzeymes (sp) for the first while to help digest
my food while my system was building up strength.  Maybe if you were to
see a specialist they could help you there.  These enzyemes were natural
stuff and I only took them for a few months with my meals to help
digest.  As soon as I felt better I stopped.  This was all about three
years ago and I feel great.

                  ---=====<<<  Dave Bakker >>>======---
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