<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

> Karen, thanks for the very interesting post. I am curious whether a celiac
> antibody panel was done on either you or your child prior to the biopsy
> (endomysial, reticulin, gliadin IgA IgG). I find the biopsy such an intrusive
> event, at least for a child .... we had TWO antibody blood tests done just to
> be sure of the need, before agreeing to the biopsy

Bill.  I have had the blood tests done regularily since birth.  They
did not show anything up at all.  They showed low iron, low folic acid,
and normal IGE & IGG.  I would not allow such tests to be my sole

         Julie May -- Manager of Resources, Orbital OnLine Services
       WEB page = http://www.online.edmonton.ab.ca/~jmay/index.html
         Running both Celiac and Environmental Illness WEB pages.