<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

        Please excuse my sending a message before I have spent time on
this list and have determined if this is appropriate.  I understand
that an intolerance to gluten or casein could be the reason for the
problem that I describe below.

        I am trying to find help for a friend's niece who is very ill.
 The niece is a 29 year old female, diagnosed with autism as age 6.
 She is currently suffering from symptoms of manic depression and
 schizophrenia, and has been so for 6 months.  She has been a patient
 at Alberta Hospital for 3 months, where the medical personnel are
 having no luck in treating her.  They have tried electric shock
 treatment, to no avail, and may try it again.

        Any help or advice would be most greatly appreciated.

Jean Cockburn
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