<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed with celiac disease 4 months ago.  My brother had been
suffering similar symptoms for 10 years.  He had a positive IGA anti-
gliadian (sp?) test, (the other's were negative) and got his biopsy
results a few days ago.  They found lots of ulcers a stomache hormone
(?) count that was 5 times normal.  They are continuing to look into
those things.  They also found that he had damaged villi but only in
*patches*, so as far as celiac disease is concerned his doctor said
"maybe a slight case.  You can go on a GF diet IF YOU WANT TO."
Obviously he won't last long on a GF diet with a recommendation like
that.  So I thought I'd ask here.  If the intestines are only damaged
in *patches*, does that make the diagnosis of celiac disease unclear?
Does it mean it's a mild case?  Will it get worse if he continues to
eat gluten?  Should he get a second biopsy from another doctor?  Or
get another doctor to review the test results?  He has been very
discouraged by the whole process (during which doctors keep telling
him there is nothing wrong with him, and maybe its psychological
anyway), and is about to give up.  Any general advice?  He lost
another 4 pounds just this week!

Thanks in advance for your help and support.

Debra L. Boutin
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