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On 11/29 Evan Hunt said

>I can't recommend a cookbook, but maybe I can give you some tips >on the

Evan, thanks so much, at least this gives me a starting point. Another
Lactose free and GF cheese that I also find in So Calif is "Fromage", it
comes in an american/cheddar and a swiss. Sliced prepackaged slices. Tastes
pretty good. It does have cassein, and for some folks still is not OK. I find
it good grated and placed in a sauce, or over a salad, I also make grilled
cheese sandwiches with of course GF Bread. Luckily I still had some of Tom
Mace's  Bread Mix and used it up for Turkey Stuffing. Now I hope he gets his
act together before too long. Again thanks. Bory