I have done my share of complaining about pastors doing as little as possible, misleading their flocks, and a number of other ridiculous things I’ve personally witnessed in pastors over the years.  This time, however, I will briefly share what one good pastor did recently.  The Baptist church we have been attending off and on for the past three years, isn’t much of a friendly church.  Sandy became friends with a lady who has a number of problems she is working on because she truly wants to serve God with her daily life.  She called Sandy the other day and told her she had made a horrible mistake.  She had purchased, most likely a used,  motor scooter for her boyfriend.  She said it was for his transportation to his doctor appointments.  She soon discovered he had run up a 400 dollar bar tab and gave the bar tender the scooter to cover the bill.  This lady told the pastor and he went himself to the bar , and made financial arrangements, and bought back the motor scooter.  That’s pretty cool if you ask me.  No. The boyfriend won’t get his bike back.
