Here it is, I think!  Tim 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]> 
To: [log in to unmask] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 1:55:29 PM 
Subject: Continued 

I am not going to repeat much, if anything, of what I have said before but will just jump in where I left off.  This happened, if memory serves me, on May 27, a Wednesday, when the stomach flue made itself known.  I believe what I am going to describe now happened on Friday or Saturday of that same week.  I was still weak physically, and emotionally troubled, from the flue symptoms but was improving each day. 

During this time of illness, I felt the Lord telling me to offer some personal wisdom, as a dad, to my three grown children about making Jesus the Lord of their life.  I told them succinctly, that no matter what they did, or did not do with their lives, to always make Christ the Lord of everything. 

As I was typing this email to my kids, I felt physically dizzy, faint really, or somewhat light headed to be more precise.  I was tired and weak and was not at all certain I could finish the email at one sitting either.  Anyhow, as I typed, my upper chest flushed.  I recognized it instantly; it was fear.  You know, what we call anxiety today but it was fear regardless of what it is called by others.  I ignored it and continued typing but every minute or two, the physical flush I described  
  intensified until it covered my whole chest, down into my stomach, and down to my elbows.  It heated up and it felt like a flash sunburn.  I still ignored it, or tried to, but eventually I stopped typing, walked into my other room of my office and sat down in my rocker recliner.  This recliner as witnessed thousands of hours of prayer time of my own,, and thousands of hours praying with others over the years.  In fact, I’ve worn out such recliners so this chair isn’t the original but you get what I am saying; I’m sure.  Before my back touched the back rest of the chair, I was praying but without opening my mouth; my mind did all the communicating with my Heavenly Father.  I heard myself, with a desperate tone to it’s voice, asking the Lord what was wrong.  I heard His voice in my thoughts say, “How do you feel?”  I’ve asked hundreds of people this same question over the years as we began prayer sessions.  I told the Lord I felt nearly on fire from fear.”  What I didn’t say, because the Lord already knew, I was being demonically attacked.  We will talk later about how you tell the difference between normal fear being experienced verses demonic.  At this point, I was in what I refer to as a spiritual automatic mode of prayer. The next step is to find   the origin of the fear  and pain .  No, you don’t have to find the source of the fear and pain by yourself; that is the job of the Holy Spirit.  All you have to do is watch and listen.  In this case, I already just about knew the source of a deep seeded lie.  Such demonic fear is always based upon a lie.  If you do not locate that place of fear, you will live with the fearful symptoms the rest of your life.  Demons know this so they do their best to implant such lies anywhere they can. 

At this point, my mind focused on my dad before he died.  The Lord showed me the fear I had was the same fear my dad had; the fear of death and suffering.  I won’t go into all the details about this because it would take many pages of text to explain.  Regardless, I saw what the Lord saw and what I saw was so powerful, spiritually speaking, I cannot  explain to you specifically in words  what I saw and felt.  I have had this happen to me before, that is, been healed so rapidly, details are simply not possible.  Once I was healed in several places all at the same time but then in 12 other places which were never revealed to me by the Holy Spirit.  I worried about not knowing and told the Lord as much.  He explained the multiple healings, and lack of specificity wasn’t important and that I should trust Him for simply bringing healing truth to my  mind.  I’ve also experience this same thing with dozens of people with whom I’ve prayed over the years.  For now, let me tell you what happened next. 

I was so overwhelmed emotionally at the point, I stood up and returned to my computer.  The problem was, the fear did not leave.  In fact, it worsened the longer I typed.  So I stopped typing and returned to my rocking chair. 

Sitting down, the flush and burning sensation was worse and I, without vocalizing, cried out in my thoughts to the Lord.  I said three things.  Lord, I cannot go through this again, and, I am not physically strong enough, and, I will die this time.  Before I tell you what the Lord said in my thoughts, let me point out that all three things I said to the Lord were lies.  I felt them as lies at the time but fear of the experience was almost to the point I couldn’t maintain control.  I literally feared I was going to experience a panic attack.  If you have never experienced a panic attack, you have no idea what raw fear can feel like.  I know people who have literally blacked out and fainted from the power of the fear attack.  At this very moment, Jesus spoke in my thoughts and said, “Didn’t you forget something?”  I started to say, “What?” but realized what I had failed to do once I was healed from the lies.  I had forgotten to bind the lying spirits and to send them away.  I was dumbfounded.  I could not believe I had forgotten such a basic thing.  Jesus didn’t need to tell me twice.  I jumped on it like a duck on a June bug.  I bound all the lies I had believed, called the lying spirit, and all those under his authority to attention, bound them together as one, and put their lies and fear back upon them and commanded them to go to the place the Lord Jesus sent them.  If you don’t believe that, you won’t believe what happened next but I’ll tell you anyway. 

Let me first say  that the fear and emotional pain did not suddenly vanish, nor did the demons.  I knew my place in Christ, on the other hand, so I stood to my feet and turned to walk through the doorway back to my computer.  In the doorway, in my mind’s eye, I saw a large white piece of paper which had the outline of a very ugly  looking face drawn on it.  It had a nose, mouth, and eyes  within a round circle to indicate the head.  I somehow saw its , ugliness and evilness and threatening look within the simple childlike drawing and the hanging picture  was blocking my way.  The second I saw the picture hanging in the air, something passed from me to the Lord and back again; faster than a bolt of lightning.  I will explain what that was in a moment because I didn’t realize it happened until I started typing this testimony.   

As I said, the floating picture   hung blocking my way.  I could feel the  menacing face radiating evil as I   passed through.  I had already taken a single step forward before seeing the ugly head hanging in front of me but I didn’t hesitate; I continued walking right through the ugly twisted face hanging in front of me.  As I stepped into the paper face, it shredded.  In my thoughts, I saw small ripped pieces of paper fluttering to the floor of my room.  Stepping through into my main office room, I sat down at my computer and began typing once again.  I allowed myself a second of awareness to sense the anxiety that clung to me emotionally and mentally.  Within a few short seconds, I felt the anxiety begin to dissipate.  It fell off and drifted away in layers; as if I were wearing several  coats.  One by one, the coats pealed away and drifted from me.  Within two or three minutes, it was all gone and I felt no fear and my emotions were quickly returning to normal and rejuvenating. 

This is far from the end of the story.  First, let me explain why the childlike drawing of a simple outline of a face yet, with evil intent spiritually radiating unholy menace was used.  It has been my experience over the years of being an intercessor, that in such cases of inner healing, that demons are represented by the True Lord Jesus Christ by demonstrating their true size and inabilities to harm.  I could tell you dozens of personal experiences of this, and of many others with whom I have prayed over the years, the would more than adequately represent exactly what I just describe.  I personally have never seem a demon taller than approximately, four feet, and this is when they are using all their evil resources to deceive us.  When their lies are exposed by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus speaks His truth and the lying spirits are sent away, I have seen them totally vanish, disappear, shrink to the size of about a full hight plastic doll, down to a few inches in height, and even to the size of plastic army men children used to play with, to a stick figure and even an abstract scribbling on the floor.  If the lie is seen and correctly dealt with, they always leave.  As in the case described in this testimony, they often hesitate or act as if they are not going to leave but they always do.  My description of the paper face was, first, for my sake; to show me how Jesus thinks of them in my behalf, and secondly, for the demons, to see what Jesus thinks of the pitiful  power and authority they claim to have.  If you want to read more about this explanation, you’ll find dozens of such articles and testimonies on my website. 

Now, let me explain about what I called a bolt of lightning. 

If you recall, I mentioned that something happened the split second I stood and took a single step to the door into my main office room.  This was the moment I saw the paper with the ugly face drawn as an outline and blocking my way.  The bolt of lightning, so called, was an instantaneous communication between my spirit and the Holy Spirit.  Why?  Because, the second I saw the face, my spirit said, “What do I do?”  In short, should I pray against it.  The answer flashed back to me to go ahead and walk through it and just ignore the face.  It happened so fast, I never realized the communication took place until I began telling you this true story.  At the time this occurred, it felt like a spark of electricity.  I noted it but didn’t realize, at the time, I was communing with the Lord.  This still isn’t  the end of the story. 

The same day this happened, I told my wife these details and when we were done talking, I went back to my office.  I sat in my recliner and was listening to the radio when I felt my stomach turn.  I figured it was left over symptoms from the stomach flue I had a few days earlier.  I ignored it, or tried to, but eventually, it developed into the same feeling I had in my chest and arms.  In other words, anxiety and fear.  Fortunately, I didn’t delay in asking the Lord what this was all about.  He said, “A demon thinks he can stay in this room and continue bothering you.”  I prayed a similar prayer as before, sending him to the place the True Lord Jesus wanted him to go, and my stomach quickly returned to normal and I haven’t had the feeling of stomach upset in that room since this experience. 

There is a lot of theology in this testimony and you will find a great deal on my website that goes into Biblical confirmation and explanation of all I have written here.  This is enough for now and you may have some questions about what I’ve said here.  If so, let me know.  The key to all of this is a form of prayer that is practical, works, and does so instantly and even works without speaking, or praying, out loud.  As I mentioned before, it becomes automatic. 

One final comment.  You will discover most Christian disbelieving this type of thing actually happens.  My own sisters, when I began praying this way over thirteen years ago, labeled it psycho heresy.  Discussing such things with even your pastor will most likely give you an automatic referral to the nearest therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist, and you end up being medicated.  The point is, demons are real, and they will take advantage of every situation we face as Bible Believers; especially if we are Bible believers. 

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