I started music therapy before it was known. I told the head phychologest about how when I was down I would do music and felt better. Do we started a Friday music sessions for the clients. 

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> On Mar 31, 2015, at 17:07, Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Great article, Karen!  Thanks for sharing.  Interestingly enough, I've been reading a book about a girl with learning disabilities, with educational information by her mother!  I'm also doing some studies about people with special needs, how they might be  helped, and models of music therapy for a variety of ages with disabilities, even those who commit crime.  I have some interest in music therapy, but I wish I could just be an assistant and not the therapist by myself, though I want to be able to use my own creativity.  I would prefer not to go to college that includes stuff like statistics and other manditory  courses.  But if I do, I figure that studying with textbooks from Learning Ally might help me breeze through them more easily, even though they're old ones.  I can download a lot directly into my iPhone, and I can bookmark and navigate pretty well now.  There's even a skip 10 seconds choice in the navigation options menu! QHas anyone else used Learning Ally for textbooks in various audio formats?
> Blessings,
> Sharon H.