As far as I know, that will work very well.
Dave runs his remotely from Mexico, over skype.
He can't fix it if weather breaks it from there.

I think it's a great idea!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Michael Ryan
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 8:55 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: 2 element phased arrays

Hi all:=20

Anyone got any experience or knowledge of 2 element phased arrays?=20
I'm considering adding another zero five 43 footer for phasing and I was =
if I had an element pointing to both the short and long paths, would =
there be a little gain and better receive opposite?=20
I'd place 1 element in the NW direction, 1 in the SE but if I'd wanna =
work state side, I'd have to look SW but wouldn't have an element there.=20=

I'm looking into the W9AD system which is a multi band set up.=20
Oldman Winter doesn't like 40M yagis up here and to put up 1 that would =
last, I'd be looking at a cost of about 3000CAN and that's if I  buy a =
used heavy duty tower on the used market, new rotator and mosley 2 =
element 40M yagi.=20
I could probably do my 2 element vertical phased array for that and I'd =
have gain on 75M as well, plus can lower them if a big storm blows up.=20=

Can't really do much with a 2 element 40M yagi at 60 plus feet except =
pray. LOL=20

Mike DE VO1AX=20