Dear Doris,

Praise God! He is healing you! I believe it!

I will continue to pray for your healing, and for complete peace and 
comfort for you and Chris during this time.

Wrapping my arms around you and giving you a gentle squeeze.

Our God is a Loving God!

Thanks much.

Many Blessings,

Lovingly In Christ,

Pat Ferguson
"I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13.

At 12:10 PM 9/21/2014, you wrote:
>I have an update and while continued prayers are appreciated, it is 
>good news this time.
>the water retention problem in my legs is getting better. The water 
>blisters are flattening and healing off. My blood pressure is 
>getting better or rather we have bought a blood pressure meter that 
>while not talking, is more accurate.
>my blood pressure is still high, but we are learning how it changes 
>throughout the day, how it changes in reference to meals, time of day, etc.
>I thank you all for your continued prayers.
>IN his grip of grace!
>Doris in Lutherland