Tom, since you didn't mention the computer being new, as in 
under warrantee, I assume it is not.

If it is, haul the thing back to wherever you got it, and 
insist that it be replaced.

If it is not, the ideas that have already been mentioned are 
right on target.

My first guess is the power supply, which, as Howard said, 
is easy enough to fix.

but it could also be poor or non-existing shielding within 
the box itself. In that case, you may need to buy stock in a 
copper mine, or at least in Reynolds Wrap.

Then get someone to help you line the inside of the case 
with one of the above, being careful to not short things out 
in the process.

In a QST Hints and Kinks column a year or so back, someone 
did just that with their router. That is, they built a box 
out of copper clad PC board to enclose the router, and their 
problem went away.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs