On 2013-08-23 19:05 (GMT-0500) Dean Kukral composed:

>  Joyce A wrote:

>> So is this a temporary glitch?  Or is this ol' thing finally wearing
>> itself out?  T'bird doesn't seem to be affected.  Thanks in advance!

> As a rule, a computer doesn't exactly "wear out," but a piece - such as
> a mouse - can certainly go bad from time to time.  Especially a piece
> with a moving part.

Plenty computers from period of XP 2002 & SP2 did have pieces go bad. Read 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor_plague and then take off the cover and 
take a look to see if it's time for a new one, or a repair. I've been able to 
fix about 70% of the motherboards and 100% of the power supplies I've come 
across with bad caps by replacing them myself with those I buy from 
mouser.com. There's also a web site and repair service for this if you think 
your PC is worth the cost of a paid repair: http://www.badcaps.net/forum/
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

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