I use MS Win 7 HP/64-byte PC. I use my computer mostly for e-mail and web browsing, reading current events, research and such. I don’t have much knowledge about PCs. I don’t understand most of the technical computer jargon. 
I tried to uninstall Free Zone Alarm Firewall. I used Revo Uninstaller without any success. Apparently ZA files are hidden and it tried to download itself and I think causes my PC to crash at times. I had used Free ZA Firewall for many years and had to stop using it because I cannot see the pop-up window when it “asks” for permission. If I set my monitor so I can see the ZA pop-ups then my icons, web pages, etc. are too small for me to read. I don’t want to change my monitor settings; I like it the way it is.
So I downloaded Comodo Free firewall after uninstalling ZA and it seemed to work well. But at times ZA will install itself. I am having problems with my computer crashing so I am thinking it is due to ZA. I have never had a problem with my computer crashing, blue screen, before this. When I see the ZA icon on my task bar, I stop it it and everything seems fine but eventually it installs itself again, causing problems.
I couldn’t get rid of ZA so I decided to reinstall it again and then try another way to uninstall it completely. I figured maybe I should not have used Revo Uninstaller. But I get a message saying that I can’t download ZA because I have Comodo firewall installed. Yet it will reinstall itself anyway. 
So I thought maybe I should uninstall Comodo firewall; download Free Zone Alarm then trying another ZA uninstall and then reinstall Comodo. But I am at my wits end because I don’t want the same problem uninstalling Comodo, even though I still want to use it as my firewall. I am hoping there a simple solution to this problem. I just want to remove Zone Alarm completely so I can use Comodo.
Thanks for listening and I appreciate any help. Please be easy on me, keep it simple if possible, I am a Grandmom and really don’t understand that much about computer technical terms. 
Mikee “Nana” Pearson

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