Congratulations.  That is a good radio.  Curious where you got it and if 
they had any problem installing things for you.
Node 3148
Wallace, ks.

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Don 
Risavy, Jr.; NR4DR wrote:

> Well just bought my new TS480/SAT today with both the VG1 voice synthesizer
> module, 1.8 ssb filter and 500 cw filter which should ship to me tomorrow or
> Friday at the latest and be here sometime next week.
> So can't wait to get on the air with a new radio since 1988.
> All items are going to be installed so the radio will be ready to go once
> hook it up to my 35 amp Samlex power supply.
> So may be will qso or get on more often than have in the past with the old
> radio.
> Tnx cul 73 nr4dr