
First, apologies for not posting the promised Porkcast Extra. I got kind of busy, moved my Asterisk/Echolink node to a different computer, had holiday thingies, you know, best laid plans of mice and men and all that. This also caused us to miss doing a Porkcast in November. 

The good news is that we plan to record on Saturday, 15th December, at 2 PM Eastern/1900Z. Again, we'll be using Echolink node 64235 and 17681, or Allstar node 2331. I would recommend that people connect via Echolink to 64235, as there seems to be some packet loss or audio weirdness with too many Echolink stations connecting to my node, and i haven't tracked that down yet. This may not be an issue with Allstar though.

Anyway, we don't have a specific topic, unless Rob, KB5UJM, has something up his sleeve. We get to congratulate him on passing his law degree, and we get to make lawyer jokes, lots and lots of them, so you should come just for that. 

See y'all Saturday!

Vy 73,
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY