Yes, it began about 11 minutes ago, at 0 hours UTC.

I will be away for much of the daylight tomorrow, but will be on as 
much as I can when I am here.

I'm about to go up there and listen around now.

The band was dead about 45 minutes ago, but that means nothing once a 
contest begins.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 6:10 PM
Subject: 10-meter contest this week-end

Hi, all.

Is anyone planning to do the 10-meter contest this week-end?

It will be both CW and phone.

Actually, if my calculations are right, the contest period starts 
about now.

I am planning to operate as much as possible tomorrow and Sunday 
during the
daylight hours, and as long as the band remains open.

My antenna will only be my DXCC, but I'll have fun anyway.

Hope to see you in the contest.

73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ